Macro Tracking Tips and Tricks

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Macro Tracking Tips and Tricks Just started tracking macros? Feeling overwhelmed? Here are a few macro tracking tips and tricks.

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Recipes I love this video from Malzisfit. She does a great job explaining how to track a recipe in MFP.

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Step 2: Create a recipe in MFP and put 1 as the serving size. Step 3: Add all of the ingredients to the recipe manually. For meat, this is raw weight.

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For pasta or rice, this is the uncooked weight dry weight. Ideally, you should weigh and record all of the ingredients in grams. Step 4: Save your recipe.

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Serving size should still be set to 1. Step 6: Take the weight from Step 5 and subtract the weight from Step 1.

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Step 8: Weigh out the serving you plan to eat in grams. Step 9: Add the recipe to your dairy and the serving size schistosomiasis philippines 2020 the weight from Step 8. I get asked why I use this method when cooking meat instead of just weighing each piece individually.

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Flexible dieting is all about consistency and not perfection. Meals The Meals feature comes in handy for foods you typically schistosomiasis philippines 2020 together as a meal. Foods We all get in situations where we have to eat at a restaurant.

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All of these are lower in fat, but some have higher carbs and some have lower carbs. A tip is to set aside some time and weigh the pots, pans, casserole dish, crockpot and instapot that you use the most. Record the description of the item and the weight and store it in your kitchen.

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The eliminates the step of having to get the weight prior to cooking. It took a lot of time chopping and prepping these, so I started buying them pre-cut. These can be found in the vegetable section or the freezer section of the grocery store.

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Bag Snacks into Individual Servings For snacks that come in large bags, measure out individual servings. Not only will this save time, but it will help you from over eating your favorite snacks.

Serving Sizes One of the most frustrating thing that can happen is realizing that something you just ate was more than one serving size.

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Small bag of chips that looks like a single serving, but is actually two servings. A protein cookie that is two servings. Here schistosomiasis philippines 2020 two ways you can track: If you have the Premium version of My Fitness Pal and you have set days that you train and set days that you rest each week, then you can setup daily macro goals.

When the days you rest and train differ from week to week, I would suggest not using Daily Goals. Instead, setup your macro goals based on your training day macros.

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When you have a rest day, create a Quick Add entry in MFP that accounts for the difference in macros. For example, if your carb macros are g for training days and g for non training days, you would put a quick add entry of 20g of carbs on your non training days.

Questions Have questions about flexible dieting?